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News from MOPSsys

  • Artikel/annons i DI bilaga om Skogsindustri. Länk till artikel. READ MORE
  • MOPSsys kommer delta på Höstmötet 2024-11-13 i Umeå med en monter. Vi träffar gärna kollegor och kunder för samtal om MOPS 4.0 - Processinformationssystem. Länk till SPCI Höstmötet 2024.   READ MORE
  • Tack alla kunder och partners som besökte oss i vårt tält under SPCI&Friends på Grönalund 21 Maj. Ert besök genererade en fin gåva från MOPSsys till cancerfonden. READ MORE
  • MOPSsys är en av sponsorerna till branchdagen SPCI&Friends för skogsindustin som anordnas på Gröna Lund 21:a Maj. Det blir en heldag med massor av spännade möten och föreläsningar. Dagen avslutas med show på stora scen där bl.a Molly Sandén uppträder och ett kvällsparty på Tyrol med Gustav och Viktor Norén. Möt MOPSsys i ett av tälten vid stora scenen, där vi kan berätta mer om digitalisering... READ MORE
  • Newsletter April 2024

    Apr 12, 2024
       Open the full Newsletter in a webpage READ MORE
  •   Open the full Newsletter in a webpage   READ MORE
  • Paper Province member

    May 25, 2022
    MOPSsys is now a member of Paper Province and we look forward to participating in the network and projects related to the Paper and Pulp industry in the region. About Paper Province We bring the forest into the future By using the forest, we are able to create a fossil-free society. And Paper Province is here to make this shift possible. Paper Province is a world-leading business cluster within t... READ MORE
  • PulPaper - Leading international event for the forest industry   MOPSsys will join PulPaper, Helsinki 7-9 June 2022 at Helsinki Expo and Convention Centre. We would love to meet you in person during the event if you plan to go there. Make a note with your contact information with a mail to contact.us@mopssys.com, and we come back to you promptly. See you in Helsinki!   READ MORE
  • We have a great pleasure to invite you to the Tietoevry Pulp, Paper & Fibre Event 2022 that will bring together industry leaders and decision makers from all over the world. The theme is:Winning with Secure Data - the annual global event for the industry decision makers with an innovative networking session. MOPSsys is one of TietoEVRY Ecosystem partners in collaboration to create and deliver ... READ MORE
  • Motiveras du av ny teknik och vill arbeta på ett företag som verkligen satsar för att ligga i framkant? Trivs du i en varierande och omväxlande tjänst på en arbetsplats med korta beslutsvägar? I rollen som System Engineer blir du en del av länken mellan utveckling och MOPSsys kunder. Ta chansen, bli systemexpert, och var med på MOPSsys spännande resa i en bransch under förändring! https://jobs.aca... READ MORE
  • Run for a change!

    May 21, 2021
    We want to challenge you to get out and move, for us at MOPSsys working from home and being more isolated has been a reality for over a year, making us lose valuable movement in our bodies and also being apart from each other and from our customers. That is why we want to do this together with you! Blodomloppet is a health run to support and raise awareness for the need to donate blood and also fo... READ MORE
  • Welcome to the MOPSsys booth  Virtual booths and networking, May 18 starting at 13:00 CETMOPSsys is one of TietoEVRY Ecosystem partners in collaboration to create and deliver strong solutions for our common Pulp and Paper customers.You can find the MOPSsys table in the lower right corner in the virtual booth area.Just register, log in and click on one of the free chairs of the MOPS table to meet u... READ MORE
  • MOPSsys AB gets a new General Manager Hans Hallin will leave his position as CEO of MOPSsys in January, Hans is now retiring after working with MOPS for more than twenty-four years.  “I am extremely proud of what we have achieved together, especially during the last 13 years under our own auspices. We have taken MOPS to a new level, significantly grown, strengthened both the "we-feeling", the par... READ MORE

    Nov 1, 2020
      MOPS OPC UA is a communication application designed to exchange data between OPC UA servers where MOPS Historian can be the data destination or source. This information can be processed and entered into the MOPS Historian database. See How MOPS OPC UA interacts with MOPS Historian for system overview. OPC UA is the next generation of OPC technology. OPC UA is a more secure, open, reliable mech... READ MORE
  • Åsa Edmark Project Delivery Manager  In July Åsa stepped into the role as Project Deliver Manager with Staffan Häggström stepping down for retirement. Åsa has been a part of our customer service team and with her high knowledge of the MOPS product and experience of its incorporation in our customers daily process we are delighted to see her enter this role. Congratulations and well wishes on you... READ MORE
  • Can Löfstrand System Specialist  We met Can at the end of last year when he conducted his internship with us, as a part of his studies at “Yrkesakademin” in Örnsköldsvik to become a system developer. During his internship Can and MOPSsys grew fond of each other and, after completing his studies in May, Can came back to join the team. Can will join the development team as a System Specialist and ... READ MORE
  • Motiveras du av ny teknik och vill arbeta på ett företag som verkligen satsar för att ligga i framkant? MOPSsys utvecklar den 4e generationens informations och kvalitetssystem för massa och pappersindustrin för att möta den 4e industrirevolutionen. Vill du vara med på denna resa och bli en utvecklare i världsklass, ansök redan idag! Academic work Övrig information Start: 2020-04-01 eller enligt ö... READ MORE
  • MOPSys are greatful to been able to deliver many customer projects along the year 2019. Below you find some of the projects mentioned among many others.   MOPSsys delivery  We are happy to welcome new customer sites in Altri, where we deliver a central MOPS environment for the mills in Celbi, Caima and Celtejo. Alberta-Pacific and Mercer Peace River MOPS have both upgraded their MOPS Lot Tracking... READ MORE
  • New Employee Nov 2019

    Nov 1, 2019
    Madeleine Höglund Project Manager Madeleine joined us as a project manager in November 2019 as a welcome reinforcement to our project delivery team. Madeleine will with her thorough and efficient way of operation contribute to continuous high quality project implementation and deliveries. Welcome to the team Madeleine! READ MORE
  • MOPSsys strävar efter att tillämpa den senaste tillgängliga tekniken i sina produkter för att deras kunder inom massa- och pappersindustrin ska kunna producera med hög kvalitet och lönsamhet i sina fabriker. I detta utgör du som projektledare en viktig roll för att driva projekten framåt och möta deras kunders behov. Sök redan idag, då intervjuer sker löpande! Läs mer på Academic Work READ MORE
  • The Altri company – a Portuguese Bleached Eucalyptus Kraft Pulp (BEKP) pulp producer - expand the use of MOPS by upgrading both existing mills, Celbi and Caima, to MOPS 14. In the same time a new installation will be taken in use at the Altri Celtejo mill during 2019. All three mills will also start use the new MOPS 4.0 platform for selected users and functions. READ MORE
  • The hot spot for professionals and future professionals of the forest based products industry. Where ideas, knowledge and networks for a sustainable future are introduced and shared. The next SPCI & Friends event will take place on May 22, 2018 - Save the date! Meet our representatives during the day in our common booth with Eurocon & MoRe. Read more at www.spci.se ... See you at Grön... READ MORE
  • TAPPI's PaperCon 2018 brings together paper and packaging professionals from around the world. Developed by technical professionals and business leaders in the paper, board, and nonwovens industries, PaperCon 2018 will offer technical sessions that provided tangible takeaways to solve many technical challenges. Attendees will be able to find solutions to improve efficiency, identify fiber and che... READ MORE
  • Motiveras du av ny teknik och vill arbeta på ett företag som verkligen satsar för att ligga i framkant? Eurocon MOPSsys utvecklar den 4e generationens informations och kvalitetssystem för massa och pappersindustrin för att möta den 4e industrirevolutionen. Vill du vara med på denna resa och bli en utvecklare i världsklass, ansök redan idag! Läs mer och ansök om tjänsten på Academic Work. Eng: For ... READ MORE
  • The article at www.pulpapernews.com 2017-09-19 about "Industry 4.0 has increased the requirement for effective integration and storage of data"  In an increasingly digitized society, it is important that all industrial sectors, including the pulp and paper industry, follow the current digital trends relate to Industry 4.0. Here, it is about shaping its structures to support a modern and efficient ... READ MORE
  • Artikel från MOPSsys publicerad i Nordisk Industri nr4 2017 "Industri 4.0 har ökat kraven på effektiv integration och lagring av data" I ett allt mer digitaliserat samhälle är det viktigt att alla industrisektorer, även massaoch pappersindustrin, följer med i de digitala trender som just nu råder i samband med Industri 4.0. Här gäller det att formera sina strukturer till att stödja ett modernt och... READ MORE
  • MOPSsys have signed a new three years corporate agreement for three mill sites operation with MOPS hybrid solution: MOPS 4.0 platform and MOPS 14 Server including 3 year contract for MOPS Support Helpdesk and Application Management Services (AMS).                                                 READ MORE
  • MOPSsys have signed an agreement about Application Management Services (AMS) and Application Management Development Services (ADS) with one of the leading board producers in Europe. The objective is to maintain and further develop the existing Mill Information System to a MOPS 4.0 Mill Information System for increased “digitalization” and to meet coming “Ind. 4.0 demands”. The contract extends ove... READ MORE
  • MOPSsys, for its next generation system fulfilling Industrial Internet demands, is looking to hire a key influencer MOPS Applications Sales/Project Engineer: forthright, driven with industry experience individual. Eurocon MOPSsys has over 30 years of experience delivering Millwide Information and Optimization System (MOPS) to the industry worldwide, and more specifically in Pulp and Paper industr... READ MORE
  • ***RELEASE*** MOPS 4.0

    Jun 20, 2017
    Eurocon MOPSsys AB proudly present the release of MOPS 4.0 platform - Next generation of MOPS Process Information system. The new platform is designed to meet today and future demands based from the current IT-trends in line with Industry 4.0 and Industrial Internet: IoT Cloud Services Big Data Mobility Security During Q2 2017 MOPSsys starting to deliver in customer project the platform in paral... READ MORE
  • MOPS connect to Azure IoT Hub MOPSsys signed an agreement with SSG to provide a cloud connections to their new service platform SSG Connect. The connect software developed and delivered by MOPSsys will be installed at the SSG-customer sites with the capability to integrate to any Process Information system (not only MOPS) to read selected data from the process. The first service launched in the S... READ MORE
  • New deliveries from Eurocon MOPSsys Inc   MOPS Gradebook application enhancements have been implemented to improved PQIS users experience. Add-on of new communication links to MOPS systems with new MOPS OPC link installation at DMI, Celgar Pulp and OJI Fibre Solution for new Analyzer and QCS systems. MOPS Server Upgrade to latest version MOPS 14.0 continues: with Slave Lake Pulp, Celgar Pul... READ MORE
  • New deliveries from Eurocon MOPSsys AB   BillerudKorsnäs Sweden AB – Gruvön Mill Communication link between L&W Curl/Twist measurement equipment and MOPS Training in WinMOPS display building Upgrade of MOPS and PQIS to version 14.0 Modifications in quality presentation displays, show average Implementation of an auto sign function in the Autolab module Holmen IT – Hallstavik Paper Mill On-l... READ MORE
  • North American MOPS Users Group was excited about MOPS Future, MOPS applications and MOPS 4.0 at MUG 2016 seminar in Vancouver Downtown. Key Note Speaker Carl-Fredrik Hammarqvist by webinar gave an excellent outlook of challenges and views about Digital Revolution Industry 4.0 in Holmen Group Paper mills. Carl-Fredrik said: “There will be an overflow of data from all sorts of sources and to be a... READ MORE
  • MUG 2016 MOPS Advanced Users Training in Vancouver, BC Canada, participants enjoyed the improved advanced training format with more hands on exercises and focusing on improving MOPS users experience with basic and advanced components. Combining the training with MUG 2016 seminar, we had the  opportunity to have workshop and training done by various trainers including our overseas experienced seni... READ MORE
  • We are pleased to welcome our latest addition to our MOPS team in Vancouver, BC Canada: Roscef Ramos, a young graduate from BCIT Computer Systems Technology Diploma program. After two successful Coop terms and part-time employment within MOPSsys during his studies, he accepted a full time position as System Analyst with MOPSsys for main development objective to participate and transfer technology... READ MORE

    Jul 4, 2016
    Registration to MUG 2016 Seminar and/or MOPS Advanced User Training is now open: Please fill in the below form, select the appropriate boxes (1 and/or 2) and click “Register” button to complete your registration. Registration to Day 1 is FREE (Must have an active MOPS Annual support customer agreement in place) Registration to Day 2 & 3 is $1,560/Participant (MOPS Advanced Users Training). A... READ MORE
  •   New deliveries from Eurocon MOPSsysFrom Q2 2016 (below) MOPS Support Canada and ANZ deliveries Q2 2016 > ... Upgrades of several MOPS supported sites (7) in NA and ANZ to latest MOPS 14.0 Client and/or Server.   MOPS AMS agreement have been adopted by many customers as annual Application Management Services defined block of hours in advance for prompt response for mill continuous improvement... READ MORE
  • *** NOW REGISTRATION OPEN (click here) *** Be ready for Digital revolution and Generation Shift: MOPS 4.0 new technology platform that is adapted to upcoming challenges for IoT (Internet of Things); Cloud; Mobility; Analytics/Big Data and security as well as for Millennials your new work force expectations. It is the MOPS User Group you should not miss, as we will have NA launch of MOPS 4.0 new t... READ MORE
  • MOPS User Training at Örnsköldsvik office starting 12.30 on Monday 29th of May. If you think this sounds interesting - let us know. READ MORE
  • MOPSsys participated actively to chair the session and present for the PIMA IT Symposium at this year PaperCon conference in Cincinnatti. It was a success with a good audience despite being on the last day of the conference. The panel and presenter for this session attracted a lot of interest and many questions were asked for the following presentations and participants: Carl-Fredrik Hammarqvist ... READ MORE
  • Meet MOPSsys at SPCI Convention & Control Systems at Waterfront congress center in Stockholm April 27-28 2016! Welcome to meeting point #15 where you can discuss the efficiency of your operations with the help of solutions for your process information with representatives from Eurocon MOPSsys. We share the booth with Eurocon AB and and MoRe Research AB. We are present both days and would love... READ MORE
  • PaperCon 2016

    Mar 23, 2016
    Join MOPSsys leading a panel discussion at PaperCon 2016 on “Digital Revolution: Pulp and Paper Mill of the future” with MOPS users views on Wednesday May 18 at 1.30 pm in Cincinnati, OH USA: visit PIMA program/it-mill-of-the-future for details. Presenters: Mike Harwood – Mill IT manager – Zellstoff Celgar Pulp mill in BC: “IT to Evolve as Integral Part of Strategic Business Planning and Mill Ope... READ MORE
  • -The position is filled- About us Eurocon MOPSsys are currently in an expansive phase, developing our next generation of Process Information Management System – MOPSTM. We are located in Örnsköldsvik, Sweden and Vancouver, Canada serving our 120 customers in 19 countries worldwide. Our dynamic- and scalable system have been developed and deliveries for over 30-years, with very long relationship wi... READ MORE
  • New deliveries from Eurocon MOPSsysFrom Q2 2016 <Click here> New deliveries from Eurocon MOPSsysFrom Q2 2015 (below) North America and ANZ deliveries Q4/2015 - Q1/2016 … Have upgraded several of MOPS supported sites (7) in NA and ANZ to latest MOPS 14.0 Client and/or Server.   MOPS AMS agreement have been adopted by many customers as annual Application Management Services. These defined blo... READ MORE
  • We would like to welcome Ben Yuen to our developer team. Ben will focus on MOPS 4.0 development in Örnsköldsvik, Sweden. Ben is a 26 year old Bachelor in Computer Science and graduated 2011 at Chalmers University of Technology. Welcome Ben!   We also welcome Moa Samuelsson as a Treinee in the MOPS 4.0 development team. Moa is a 24 year old student from Gothenburg. Moa is doing her last year for a... READ MORE
  • MOPSsys have signed a new 3-year frame agreement with one of the leading producers of renewable packaging material. The agreement that started 2016-01-01 will give a new platform to collaborate and strive for efficiency, synergies and harmonization of PIMS related IT-services between the production units in the company.  READ MORE
  • Note! Seats still available! it's not too late to register. READ MORE
  •   IT companies in close contact with students MOPSsys participated in “2015 day of careers” in Umeå, Maria and Tomas was meeting up with hundreds of careers thirsty students. -          For us it is important to be here. Umeå and Övik have very much use from each other. Övik have the industries and the product development, and here in Umeå they are producing students, commented Tomas. Click http:... READ MORE
  • The ÅF Offshore Race will start June 28th and end 1st of July. Follow our skipper Tomas Rydman and his team during the race by following the links and the positions of the boat from www.KSSS.se/afor webpage. Search for TwoDoz in the SRS class. MOPSsys Facebook page will be updated during the race with pictures and comments. You can also download the KSSS app in Goolgle play or Appstore to follow ... READ MORE
  • Thanks to all our customers, colleagues and partners visiting us at our tent during the SPCI & Friends at Gröna Lund 26:th of May. Via the competition during the day all your collected cards generated a gift from us, Eurocon, MoRe and MOPSssys, to the Swedish Cancer Fund. Especially we congratulate the winners:                1. Fredrik Mark, Smurfit Kappa Piteå                2. Sofia Strandv... READ MORE
  • MOPS Prediction and Simulation Analysis at Holmen Paper, Hallsta mill, Sweden   Please read article (page 85 – 88) about Holmen Hallsta mill - Production changes demanded new prediction and simulation solutions. READ MORE
  • MOPSsys strengthens its organization with new developers to meet the 4'th industrial revolution. Software Engineer Trainee Software Engineer  READ MORE
  •  We would like to welcome Fredrik Widmark and Michael Estwik to our developer team. Fredrik and Michael will focus on MOPS 4.0 development. MOPS 4.0 is MOPSsys next generation of MOPS system that is developed to meet the future demands that the fourth industry revolution (Industry 4.0) sets on the market. Except Internet of Things (IoT) will Cloud Computing, Big Data and further expansion of Mobi... READ MORE
  • Meet MOPSsys during SPCI & Friends at Gröna Lund in Stockholm May 26 2015! Welcome to our tent where you can discuss the efficiency of your operations with the help of solutions for your process information with representatives from Eurocon MOPSsys.Meet us next to the Dance Stage "Dansbanan" (where one of the conference tracks will be held during the day). We share a tent with Eurocon AB and a... READ MORE
  • Zellstoff Celgar Kraft Pulp mill in Castlegar, BC: “In perspective to maximize the use and get more out of their MOPS system, mill entered in a training and workshop program with MOPS. This program started in September 2014 by gathering a core group of MOPS users from different areas of the mills to identify, with the help of MOPSsys, the key areas of MOPS improvements at the mill. This list of pr... READ MORE
  • MOPS Raw Material Tracking keep track of Raw materials entered into production, i.e entry time and entry point for each lot. Total amount currently in feeding & production buffers for each Raw Material Type are monitored. Raw Material Lots used at Paper Machine can be “backtracked” to their entry points and their entry times - this Lot info can then be connected to machine reel, keeping track ... READ MORE
  • Millar Western Pulp, Whitecourt, Alberta, Canada is a BCTMP mill with two production lines. In beginning of December 2014, Millar Western upgraded their MOPS system to the latest 14.0 version. New clients were rolled out with a revamp look & feel and ease of navigation. After the upgrade, MOPS Grade Run Management was installed. This add-on tracks and records history of production runs for bot... READ MORE
  • 2014-12-01 Åsa EdmarkÅsa is a very dear friend of all of us who have been away from the MOPS world for 6 years. Åsa has now taken her senses and returned back. Åsa began the 1'st of December last year and will bring both spirit and energy to our service department, especially in the areas of documentation and training ... Welcome back Åsa! 2015-03-18 Maria KarlströmMaria is a M.Sc. in the field ... READ MORE
  • Utilize the power of data in your MOPS system with the new Prediction and Simulation Analysis tool.Build up a data model with formulas for the key variables in your process. E.g. level in pulp production, pulp storage, energy balance, chemical buffers, etc.  Enjoy a Predictive (forecast) calculation of the future process situation online by using current situation, the data model calculating base... READ MORE
  • New deliveries from Eurocon MOPSsysFrom Q2 2016 <Click here> New deliveries from Eurocon MOPSsysFrom Q3 2014 (below) BillerudKorsnäs Skärblacka Prestudy for improved quality presentation in production lab Various changes in MOPS in connection with change of QCS system for PM9 Development of displays and functions for improved quality presentation in product lab Move to new hardware and upgr... READ MORE
  • “Great information all day nice job!” “It was great seeing how other users are using applications” “Informal setting was great for Q&A. Well done. “Good variety. Nice to see the full MOPS line-up” these are some of the feedback from the NA MUG2014 @NAIT were we had great participation and many interesting presentations, that we even run out of time at the end of the seminar day. The surroundin... READ MORE
  • NA MUG 2014 Edmonton

    Aug 25, 2014
    North American MUG Seminar and user advanced training is on! October 21st to October 23rd 2014 with theme of “MOPSability”: Improve MOPS user’s experience and MOPS IT Future Preliminary Agenda: Start already on Monday October 20th 2014 at 6 pmonward with Welcome meet and greet drink and buffet – drop by any time after check-in. Tuesday October 21st 2014 8 am to 5 pmMOPS Users seminar and dinner ... READ MORE
  • The ÅF Offshore Race will start from 29th June to 2nd July. Follow the skipper Tomas Rydman and the team during the race by following the links and the positions of the boat from www.KSSS.se/afor webpage. Search for TwoDoz in the SRS class. We also update the MOPSsys Facebook page during the race with pictures and comments. Download the KSSS app in Goolgle play or Appstore to follow your favourit... READ MORE
  • ITs the Future day

    Feb 28, 2014
    www.MOPSsys.com together with www.Sitebase.se and www.XLENT.se invited local customers to a exiting day about the Future of IT related to the Process industry – “ITs the Future day”. Thanks to all customers who participated and made the day successful. A special thanks to our keynote Anders OE Johansson/SICS (se.linkedin.com/in/andersoejohansson) and our moderator Sören Back. www.sbkommunikation.s... READ MORE
  • Eurocon MOPSsys is proud to announce that both Holmen and Stora Enso chosen to prolong existing frame agreements with MOPSsys for another 3 year period. These agreements covering direct system management support and the right to use latest version of existing software on installed system in their different mills. and will help the group IT functions and each separate mill to further utilize their ... READ MORE
  •   Click on the picture to read the article. READ MORE
  • Eurocon MOPSsys participated actively to Pulp and Paper Industry conference in Western Canada on reliability, maintenance and how to make the best of what you have. Timo ARRA, COO of Eurocon MOPSsys inc, discussed at the conference, the production loss analyser and electronic logbook in use at Alberta Pacific Pulp mill. Al-Pac uses the system proactively and on a continuous basis. Efficient operat... READ MORE
  • • Metsä Board Husum Mills has ordered:• File communication link for transferring and summarizing of defect data from PQV  equipment into MOPS• Training in WinMOPS display building• Implementation of energy and steam calculations in MOPS• WinMOPS/BQIS display adjusted for use in warehouse truck PC’s• File communication link for transferring of quality data from Pulp Expert lab  equipment into MOPS/... READ MORE
  • New trend templates Three new trend templates are now available. • 2 X-scalesThis trend template has 2 X-axis connected to 3 curves each. The two X-axis are totally separated from each other, allowing you to shift one set of curves in time, or even to use a separate time base and resolution for one X-axis. • 15 graphsThe trend template below supports 15 mini-graphs with connected time period, tim... READ MORE
  • This year SPCI Convention started with a brand new concept – a two-day conference for the forest, pulp and paper industry with a minimum of five parallel conference tracks and a small exhibition – all on the same area. Eurocon MOPSsys was visible with a booth together with Eurocon Consulting and MoRe Research. The common message to our customers and partners was –Together we optimize your project ... READ MORE
  • Eurocon MOPSsys participated at the Tieto event in Stockholm as partner to Tieto. The two days was divided in a Forest day and  TIPS User day. The Forest day was a busy afternoon full with interesting presentation by partners and customers with connections back to Tieto’s Intelligent Forest Story introduced by head of forest business in Tieto – Henrik Reims. TIPS user day was a full day about TIPS... READ MORE
  • • Alberta Newsprint Whitecourt, AB has completed MOPS Migration to Virtual Machine server Windows 2008 R2 64 bits in April 2013. • BillerudKorsnäs Gruvön has ordered engineering services for study and test of department specific quality specifications/cards. • Smurfit Kappa Kraftliner Piteå has ordered additional functionality in the MOPS LogBook feature for creation and transfer of work orders t... READ MORE
  • • Bosch Rexroth has ordered an alarm handling on MOPS tag level to be implemented in their pilot system for monitoring of hydraulic drive systems.• Alberta Pacific Forest Products has ordered services for addition for Production Loss Analyzer (PLA) Venting and additional reports for Lot Tracking.• Stora Enso Skutskär has ordered training in WinMOPS Display Building and MOPS Configuration and Admin... READ MORE
  • • UPM Blandin has ordered MOPS upgrade and transition to new server environment.• Smurfit Kappa Kraftliner has ordered training in WinMOPS Display Building.• West Fraser Ranger Board Blue Ridge has ordered and completed Quality Control program modifications.• Iggesund Paperboard Workington has ordered a function for point wise calculations of lab profile values.• Zellstoff Celgar has ordered and c... READ MORE
  • Metso Automation has ordered OPC Link to MOPS for SE Skoghall KM8. SE Skutskär has ordered OPC Link  between MOPS and  Metso DNA. Amcor Botany Bay’s new B9 paper machine and MOPS has gone live and under MOPS support. SE Skoghall has ordered OPC Link  between MOPS and  Siemens for new woodhandling. Billerud Skärblacka has upgraded the MOPS system to latest version and moved to new server hardware. ... READ MORE
  • In today’s business environment, it is not sufficient to provide only technical and software support to our MOPS users. It is key for MOPS users to maximize the use for their existing Millwide information and OPtimization Systems. Eurocon MOPSsys is dedicated to the Pulp and Paper industry, as we develop and offer specific applications for the benefit of Pulp and Paper mills, we have seen atremend... READ MORE
  • MUG 2012 was opened by Hans Hallin, Eurocon MOPSsys CEO, sharing our values and key success factors: Dialogue with MOPS Users; Partnership to expand MOPS use; and more specifically, working with MOPS Users to drive MOPSDevelopment.  It is a special occasion reminding all of us of the journey made by MOPS over the past 30 years with a rejuvenation story summarized in a video clip. The keynote addr... READ MORE
  • MOPS Online Cost Tracking (OCT) allows you to automatically calculate a cost on what you are producing, and also calculate cost on lost production due to machine shuts etc.  Cost information can be presented together with any Quality or Process information in MOPS, and can be calculated on Jumbo Reel, Production Run, Grade, Period (e.g. day, month year), Roll and Order. MOPS OCT supports the follo... READ MORE
  • Today, we opened the 2012 MUG Meeting in Vancouver by showing a film about our journey from when we first became a company until today. Take a look! READ MORE
  • MOPSsys have this year participated with their partner XLENT in 2012 Business Sail Cup organized by Örnsköldsviks Segelsälskap (ÖSS). MOPSsys and XLENT ended up on a honorable 8´th place thanks to excellent sailing competence from XLENT. Winner this year was CORE IT who won thanks to smooth sailing of high class … Congratulations from MOPSsys and XLENT ! READ MORE
  • Eurocon MOPSsys celebrates 30 years of MOPS in the Pulp & Paper Industry since the first delivery in Sweden. Click the image to read more about how we celebrate our anniversary.   READ MORE
  • New date MUG 2012!

    Jun 25, 2012
    We asked you in our previous Newsletter to mark a date for our MOPS Users Group (MUG) meeting in Vancouver where the date is now changed to October 30, 2012 at the Hilton Vancouver Airport Hotel. Please make your early room reservation on http://bit.ly/L9FOmC. READ MORE
  • Do you know that MOPS is celebrating its 30th anniversary this year? Can you remember or imagine running your MOPS on a DEC PDP? Join us at the MOPS Users Group (MUG) 2012 meeting in beautiful Vancouver, BC Canada on Tuesday October 23 30, 2012 where it will be a full day event with a very interesting program. Click the image to read the newspaper.  READ MORE
  • Nils Morén, Lena Sorensen, Fredrik Widmark, from XLENT Technology and Tomas Sandin, from MOPSsys, spoked about current digital trends and behaviors Young & SMART continues to entice with interesting lectures on digital development. How to make apps with HTML5 was one of the questions that were raised recently at a workshop. Click here to read the story READ MORE
  • Howe Sound Pulp and Paper, part of Paper Excellence Canada, is our first North American MOPS user in 1990. They are currently still running their MOPS system on OpenVMS since the beginning with its proven reliability.  As they make the step forward, HSPP has commited to upgrading completely to MOPS on Windows to take advantage of all the new features available to them with the latest version of MO... READ MORE
  • PACWEST 2012

    Apr 4, 2012
    Eurocon MOPSsys is very pleased to sponsor PACWEST 2012 conference in Jasper, Alberta as we support our Pulp and Paper industry and customers in Western Canada. We are planning to participate actively from May 30th to June 2nd 2012 to the theme “Sustainability through People & Technology” especially in the area of Energy Management Systems where Eurocon MOPSsys with his colleagues of Eurocon C... READ MORE
  • Our Partner MAJIQ is extending their footprint with Kapstone Paper,www.majiq.com/2012/02/kapstone-selects majiq-a-subsidiary-of-constellation-software-for-manufacturing-execution-systems/. We are very pleased of the continuous success of our partner MAJIQ and it reinforces that our MOPS partner strategy in North America is a strong one with a successful future. READ MORE
  • MOPS Customer Service for Australia and New Zealand have received a continued long term support commitment for two plus one year option for Application Management Services to Norske Skog Albury mill. This shows the importance of the Australian New Zealand market for MOPS: adding to the implemented project of Amcor Petrie, QLD and ongoing project for Amcor Botany, NSW. We are very pleased and we wa... READ MORE
  • Alberta Newsprint Company in Whitecourt, Alberta is improving the use of their MOPS system by implementing operation monitoring for felts and wires performance on a large screen. This will deliver them Key Performance Indicators to the Paper Machine Control Room team to improve operation of the Paper Machine. READ MORE
  • UPM Nordland Papier has ordered engineering service for upgrade of Oracle in their test and production environment for the MOPS and PQIS systems. READ MORE
  • MOPSsys Trainings …

    Apr 4, 2012
    MOPSsys offers an extensive set of trainings for MOPS users around the world, both standard classroom-based education at customer site and in our own facilities Bosch Rexroth (Hägglunds Drives) has in the pilot project for status monitoring of a drive system order training in MOPS, WinMOPS and Excel Add-in Smurfit Kappa Piteå has ordered training in Excel Add-in READ MORE
  • Holmen Iggesund Paperboard in Workington has ordered implementation of some additional functions to COR displays (Customer Order Roll)   READ MORE
  • The ice run is ongoing in Northern Sweden and Spring is coming very fast, a little too fast in my mind … time is flying and 2012 Q1 have past. But that’s the situation when you have fun at work, which all of us MOPSters have! During February, MOPSsys have closed the financial books for 2011 and when looking back at the results, a sense of proudness is felt because we reached our objectives in more... READ MORE
  • One of the leading magazines for the Nordic process industry, Process NORDIC writes about MOPSsys Mobile Platform in their latest issue, 2012/02. Please use following link, http://www.processnet.se/iuware.aspx?pageid=57304 and subscribe their e-magazine. READ MORE
  • And the winner is …

    Feb 10, 2012
    Thursday evening 2012-02-09, on a business gala-dinner with over 300 guest in Örnsköldsvik Sweden, Eurocon MOPSsys received a business award from ALMI Företagspartner Mitt with following motivation: “Through a successful transfer of ownership while maintaining local ownership with success developed products and services to a global market” READ MORE
  • MOPSsys nominated for ALMI business prize in Örnsköldsvik Business Awards event 2012-02-09 READ MORE
  • M-Real Husum AB has ordered implementation of additional functionality to the Profile Display. Delivery in December 2011. READ MORE
  • Stora Enso Skoghall AB has for KM7 ordered OPC communication and specialized profile displays to be implemented in their MOPS Info system. Installation and start-up will be finished in January 2012. READ MORE
  • Smurfit Kappa Kraftliner Piteå has ordered communication between their MOPS system and L&W Pulptester. Installation will be done in December 2011. READ MORE
  • Holmen Paper Madrid has ordered engineering services for upgrade of their MOPS system to version 13.2.2. The upgrade will be done in January 2012 prior to implementation of the COR Claim Handling module. READ MORE
  • Iggesund Paperbord Workington has ordered implementation of additional functionality to the RDXtract Display, a new field will be added to the output query. Delivery in December 2011. READ MORE
  • Holmen Paper Hallsta AB has ordered a Quick Overview Display for viewing of data and defects on rolls. Delivery and implementation in January 2012. READ MORE
  • Holmen Paper AB has ordered COR Claim Handling Module for the mills in Braviken, Madrid and Workington. COR Claim Handling Module consists of detailed information displays for production follow up, parcels and orders. The COR Claim handling module is recently installed at the Hallsta mill, installation at the mills in Braviken and Workington in December 2011 and Madrid in February 2012. READ MORE
  • Read latest news and win an Apple TV. Click the image to read the Newsletter: READ MORE
  • MOPSsys was invited by Tieto as partner and one of the presenters during Tieto’s TIPS user day’s in Munich and Regensburg. The meeting was very successful with many customers listening to Tieto message about the new TIPS roadmap and mobility support. The first day started in Munich and ended up with a visit at the annual October festival , Hacker Festzelt. The second day was located in Regensburg... READ MORE
  • Stora Enso Skoghall AB has ordered an upgrade of MOPS to version 13.2.1. The system will also be moved to new hardware environment  on Windows Server 2008 64 bit. Installation and start-up will be done in mid November. READ MORE
  • Stora Enso Pulp AB has ordered training in WinMOPS Display building. The training will be performed on site at the mill in Skutskär beginning of November READ MORE
  • After a successful 1.5 year from takeover of the MOPS product suite, Eurocon MOPSsys is pleased to welcome back Mr Timo Arra as Executive Vice-President of Sales for Eurocon MOPSsys Inc’s Vancouver, BC Canada office. This renews the confidence and trust in the North America and Australia/New Zealand regions for the MOPS product suite and confirms the commitment of Eurocon MOPSsys into succeeding ... READ MORE
  • Örnsköldsvik, Sweden August 2011 Smurfit Kappa Piteå has ordered an upgrade of MOPS to version 13.2.1. The system will run in a new hardware environment and on Windows Server 2008 64 bit. Installation and start-up will be done in August /September. READ MORE
  • M-real Husum has ordered MOPS Matlab Toolbox which gives the Matlab user access to the MOPS Tag interface and makes it possible to import MOPS Historian data directly into Matlab matrices. READ MORE
  • Örnsköldsvik, August 2011 Iggesund Paperboard Workington has ordered an upgrade of MOPS to version 13.2.1 and installation of the MOPS 3-Profile Display. Installation and start-up will be done in September. READ MORE
  • Örnsköldsvik, August 2011 Holmen Paper AB Hallsta Paper Mill has order an MOPS Historian OPCHDA Server extraction of raw data directly from the MOPS Historian database to the Wedge analysis system. Installation and start-up will be done in September. READ MORE
  • Örnsköldsvik, September 2011RCA (Reel Component Analysis) and COR (Customer Order Roll) Claim Handling which was ordered earlier this year is now delivered and installed in their  production environment for test and commissioning. Upgrade of MOPS to version 13.2.1 was done earlier in the project. READ MORE
  • Vancouver, September 2011 During the last week of August 2011, MOPSsys was meeting up with their customers and partners in Australia and New Zealand. The target for the meetings was to inform about MOPSsys actual business outlook, software development roadmap, and report back from the MOPS Users Group meeting that was held in Stockholm on May 17, 2011. It was the information about MOPSsys roadmap... READ MORE
  • Vancouver, Canada 2011-08-15. Amcor Australasia (“Amcor”) has successfully gone live on August 1, 2011 at their Petrie mill operation with Eurocon MOPSsys’ MOPS/PQIS system. Next deliverable phase is implementation of MOPS Production Loss Analysis, Log Book, and Machine Equipment Tracking modules in the next several months. At Petrie, MOPS is used as a mill wide real time information system colle... READ MORE
  • Örnsköldsvik, Sweden 2011-06-28. The eighth and final race in ÖSS Business Sail Cup was completed in a sunny harbor of Örnsköldsvik, Tuesday 28’th of June.  By the total summation of all eight races, ALMI Företagspartner stood as the final winner. Eurocon MOPSsys fought well and ended on an honorable 10’th place. All MOPS’ters congratulates ALMI … watch out next year! READ MORE
  • Örnsköldsvik, Sweden 2011-06-28. To be able to better follow and keep track on seldom stored environmental data, MOPSsys has implemented a new view display in MOPS Data Entry (MDE), with a “less than” function for lab values. The “less than” function includes minimum range values, maximum range values, alarm functions, value icons with range violation, operator comment dialog and export to MS Exce... READ MORE
  • Newsletter June 2011

    Jun 22, 2011
    Click the image to read the Newsletter:   READ MORE
  • Please read Svensk Papperstidnings article about MOPSsys Mobile READ MORE
  • Örnsköldsvik, Sweden 2011-04-21 In connection with new server hardware, SE Hylte have ordered an upgrade of existing MOPS system, SE Hylte will upgrade to MOPS version 13.2.1 READ MORE
  • Örnsköldsvik, Sweden 2011-05-12 To perform better follow up on energy consumption, Domsjö Fabriker are implementing new energy calculations by using MOPS Calculation Handler script functionality READ MORE
  • Stockholm, Sweden 2011-05-17 – 2011-05-19 Customers and Partners from Sweden, Finland, Germany, Spain, Canada and USA and Singapore participated in MOPSsys user group meeting May 17’th in Stockholm. The meeting was a joint arrangement with MOPSsys partner Tieto in Tieto’s new facilities in Värtahamnen, Stockholm. The theme for the day was Simplicity, Dialogue and Trust which was reinforced by the ... READ MORE
  • Stockholm, Sweden 2011-05-17 During the MOPS User Group meeting in Stockholm, May 17’th, MOPSsys launched the next generation of the graphical user interface WinMOPS. The new version will focus on usability improvements - Ribbon support- Windows 7 taskbar thumbnails- Navigation user interface- Mouse hover popup trends- Docked/floating mini-trends with drag & drop support- Extended drag & d... READ MORE
  • Stockholm, Sweden 2011-05-17 During the MOPS User Group meeting in Stockholm, May 17’th, MOPSsys launched the first smartphone app platform with focus on the pulp and paper industry. The platform covers server and cloud functionality either internal or in the DMZ and are developed to act as the reporting and integration platform for specific mobile applications supporting the mill in their operati... READ MORE
  • Örnsköldsvik, Sweden 2011-05-26 Smurfit Kappa Karftliner’s has as an extension of their Production Loss Analyze and LogBook system invested in extensive down-time reporting READ MORE
  • Örnsköldsvik, Sweden 2011-06-07 Domsjö Fabriker has decided to implement MOPS Production Loss Analyzer and LogBook to support them in their continuous improvements of their follow-up of their operations. Implementation will start direct after the Swedish vacation period. READ MORE
  • Örnsköldsvik, Sweden 2011-06-14 Domsjö fabriker have ordered an upgrade of existing MOPS system, Domsjö will upgrade to MOPS version 13.2.1 READ MORE
  • MOPSsys came third in the first round of the Business Sail Cup arranged by Örnsköldsviks Segelsällskap (ÖSS) June 7′th 2011. Three more races remaining before the coveted trophy can be brought home to the office. Crew at this race : Tomas Sandin, Carina Edlund, Tomas Rydman and Ulf Johansson. READ MORE
  • Zellcheming Expo 2011

    May 14, 2011
    Join us at Zellcheming Expo 2011 in our exhibition booth No. 546. Wiesbaden, Germany 2011.06.28 – 2011.06.30 READ MORE
  • MOPS User Group Meeting 2011 – As part of Eurocon MOPSsys’ dedication to providing a superior product, service and support for the long run, we would like to give you the opportunity to meet us and other MOPS customers/partners and get the latest updates and share your experiences. READ MORE
  • SPCI 2011

    May 9, 2011
    Join us at SPCI 2011 in our exhibition stand A18:20. Please come and listen to Tomas Sandin, Sales & Marketing Manager, Key-Note presentation “Turning data into useful information”, Wednesday 18/5, 10:00 at the West Square. Stockholm, Sweden 2011.05.17 – 2011.05.19 READ MORE
  • Press Release, 2011-02-07 January 2011 – Stora Enso Skutskär decides to upgrade their MOPS systemEurocon MOPSsys AB received an order from Stora Enso Pulp AB, Skutskär to install and upgrade their MOPS Process Information System to the latest version running on Microsoft Windows. The upgrade affects products as MOPS Historian, WinMOPS, MOPS Production Loss Analysis, MOPS Log Book, MOPS Links, MOPS... READ MORE
  • Click the image to read the Newsletter: READ MORE
  • Tieto Corporation Press Release 3 February 2011 Read the press release: http://www.tieto.com/archive/news/2011/tieto-to-modernize-mill-systems-in-m-reals-board-mills READ MORE
  • Press Release, 2011-01-31 Eurocon MOPSsys AB has signed 3-year agreements for MOPS product services with Holmen and Stora Enso, Sweden valid from 2011-01- 01. These agreements will affect 4 mills within Holmen and 4 mills within Stora Enso, Sweden. Eurocon MOPSsys AB will together with these customers increase the usage of MOPS (a Process Information System) and the related paper making software a... READ MORE
  • Click the image to read the newsletter. READ MORE
  • Press Release, 2010-09-20 Eurocon MOPSsys AB with its subsidiary Eurocon MOPSsys Inc. (“MOPSsys”) and MAJIQ Inc. (“MAJIQ”) are pleased to announce that they have signed a Value Added Reseller and Subcontracting Teaming Agreement whereby MAJIQ will provide the services and software products of both companies to pulp and paper customers. This permits customers to obtain the business logistics and ma... READ MORE
  • Click the image to read the newsletter. READ MORE
  • Press Release, 2010-03-01 A new company, EUROCON MOPSsys, takes over operations of the TIPS Info/ MOPS system from Tieto. TIPS Info/MOPS, a suite of software modules for process data collection and analysis primarily in the paper and pulp industry, was transferred to EUROCON MOPSsys’ product catalogue on March 1st 2010. The new product name will be MOPS. Today, the MOPS system is a strategic part ... READ MORE
  • Press Release 2010-02-18 Eurocon Consulting AB participated in a management buyout of the TIPS Info operations from Tieto Oy. A newly created company named Eurocon MOPSsys AB, based in Örnsköldsvik, with 16 employees will run this business. The company will have offices in Örnsköldsvik, Storuman and through a wholly owned subsidiary in Vancouver, Canada. Eurocon MOPSsys’ software applications main... READ MORE
  • Tieto Corporation Press Release 18 February 2010 Read the press release: http://www.tieto.com/archive/news/2010/tieto-streamlines-its-forest-industry-product-portfolio READ MORE