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MOPSsys News

Millar Western Pulp division in Whitecourt AB Canada upgraded...

Feb 27, 2015

Millar Western Pulp, Whitecourt, Alberta, Canada is a BCTMP mill with two production lines. In beginning of December 2014, Millar Western upgraded their MOPS system to the latest 14.0 version. New clients were rolled out with a revamp look & feel and ease of navigation.

After the upgrade, MOPS Grade Run Management was installed. This add-on tracks and records history of production runs for both lines. It also gives the users a live update of their current run production as it progresses along by displaying various test results. A cost page within WinMOPS will give an overview of consumption of various chemicals, power, and natural gas for each grade run.

MOPS Grade Run Management application

Part of this project is to deliver a set of MOPS Analysis tools and displays to compare production runs, superimpose process or quality variable trends for each run. The tracking and analyzing of grade change transactions are available in WinMOPS by using the values outside limits components for the defined grades.

A new WinMOPS dashboard will contain the production KPI for current grade from each line. The dashboard uses MOPS PVI (Performance Value Indicator) which can compare the selected grade to a reference period from the historical grade runs.

A new MOPS Gradebook application delivered to Millar Western will help manage about 300 grade changes that happens every year. This tool keep tracks of previous grades and their specs along with reporting options. New grades and changes to existing grades can be done by key users with ease of access by using MOPS Gradebook.

This project is currently in commissioning phase. 

Tags: Pulp mill Grade management Pulp quality