New deliveries from Eurocon MOPSsys
From Q2 2016
New deliveries from Eurocon MOPSsys
From Q3 2014 (below)
BillerudKorsnäs Skärblacka
- Prestudy for improved quality presentation in production lab
- Various changes in MOPS in connection with change of QCS system for PM9
- Development of displays and functions for improved quality presentation in product lab
- Move to new hardware and upgrade of MOPS to version 14.0
BillerudKorsnäs Gruvön
- Implementation of a new lab device to Autolab
- Changes in viewing of status for defect rolls on a tambour
- Communication link to Web Inspection System for PM6
Celgar Pulp Castlegar, BC Canada
- Upgraded MOPS server to Virtual server environment.
- Entered a training and workshop program to improve mill MOPS users experience.
Crane Currency
- New web based HMI for presentation of sheet defect categories and data
- Various changes in existing programs to adapt to new HMI
- MOPS SMS services to be performed onsite two days per month
Daishowa Peace River Pulp, AB Canada
- Implemented MOPS Matlab plug-in.
- Completed with Eurocon Engineering Senior process expert: DMI Digester advanced controls on their existing DCS.
Holmen Paper Hallsta
- Monitoring tools in MOPS PSA checking unreasonable values in the input data
Holmen Paper Braviken
- Move to new hardware and upgrade of MOPS
- Implementation of Roll Classification
- Roll Classification, handling of spliced sets in roll machine
- Roll Classification, installation of various site objects
- Prestudy on application support for wood handling
Holmen Paper Madrid
- Training in Excel Add-in
- Move to new hardware and upgrade of MOPS to version 14.0
Howe Sound Pulp and Paper Port Mellon, BC Canada
- Migrated RDE reports Email configuration and implemented Trend charts.
Iggesund Paperboard Workington
- Move to new hardware and upgrade of MOPS to version 14.0
- Implementation of new properties in Autolab
Kapstone Packaging North Charleston, SC USA
- Added Autoline Lab properties to MOPS.
Metsä Board Husum
- Additional functions in communication link to Pulp Expert automatic pulp laboratory
- Training in MOPS Calculation Handler
- A function for blocking locations for loading in BQIS Warehouse
Millar Western Pulp division Whitecourt, AB Canada
- Upgraded to MOPS 14.0 with new WinMOPS GUI.
- Implementing MOPS Grade Run Management system
Ranger Board Blue Ridge, AB Canada
- Implemented MOPS Logbook/PLA for the complete MDF Plant
Resolutefp Fairmont Pulp, WV USA
- MOPS system introduction training via webinar sessions specifically design for their mill MOPS system.
Slave Lake Pulp in Alberta Canada
- Added to existing MOPS, new installation for DIA-NE project
- Added to existing MOPS, tags for new effluent process area and for DCS upgrade
Smurfit Kappa Kraftliner Piteå
- Info displays showing production data via MOPS Mobile
- Optimization of set diameters
- Production reporting
Stora Enso Pulp Skutskär
- OPC link for transferring of data from ABB Server TBF to MOPS
- Move to new hardware and upgrade of MOPS to version 14.0
- MOPS Link Merlin for transferring of data Wood Yard system to MOPS
- Implementation of an interface between MOPS LogBook and Stora Enso SAP system
Stora Enso Skoghall
- Production reports PLA for Forshaga Mill
Svenska Försäkringsfabriken
- Workshop on energy balances and consumption
MOPSsys MUG 2014 Edmonton. AB Canada
- MOPS user’s training at NAIT with 18 participants during MUG 2014 Edmonton, AB CANADA