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MOPSsys News


Jul 4, 2016


Registration to MUG 2016 Seminar and/or MOPS Advanced User Training is now open:

Please fill in the below form, select the appropriate boxes (1 and/or 2) and click “Register” button to complete your registration.

  • Registration to Day 1 is FREE (Must have an active MOPS Annual support customer agreement in place)
  • Registration to Day 2 & 3 is $1,560/Participant (MOPS Advanced Users Training). A group discounted rate will apply for any additional participants from the same mill at $1,280 CAD/participant.

Please use the comments section below to specify any special needs, food requirements, allergy or preferences.


:: EventForm



MOPSsys is pleased to offer a special rate for MOPS Users group with limited block of rooms at this rate until September 8, 2016 in HYATT REGENCY Vancouver downtown hotel.
In order to book your guest room at the Hyatt Regency Vancouver;

Please click here for online reservations.

Remember guest Room Cut-off Date: September 8th, 2016, after this date, your special group rate will no longer be available and reservation requests received after the cut-off date will be based on availability at the hotel’s prevailing rates.
For guests who wish to make their reservations over the phone, the toll free number is 1.888.421.1442 (North America) or 1.402.592. 6464 (International).

Please quote “Hotel: Hyatt Regency Vancouver” & “Event: User’s Group Mug 2016” for faster service.

We are looking forward to seeing you in numbers for MUG 2016!