MOPSsys combines your system education and training into an overall integration strategy. This differentiates us from many other suppliers, who simply send you to their standard courses.
There will be different levels of MOPS users requiring different levels of expertise. These include systems managers, power users, regular users, configurators, report creators and developers. As the project progresses, various users will be trained up to start using MOPS in their day-to-day work. By the time the system is accepted, most users would’ve already been using MOPS for an extended period of time.
We highly recommend that your mill adapt a train-the-trainer methodology. There are some real advantages of doing it this way. Firstly, you develop in-house expertise on all the different aspects of using and running a MOPS system. Secondly, the end users are trained by familiar faces so questions and support issues during operations are quickly answered by local MOPS specialists. And thirdly, ongoing development can be continued by those who have best knowledge of the mill process and production requirements so future applications are more relevant and specific for your needs.