Systems Integration
There are many islands of data in the mill including DCS, QCS, PLC, lab data entry, automated paper and pulp quality systems, roll and bale handling systems (MES), maintenance systems and financial systems (ERP). Integration of these systems into a seamless source of information is critical.
A typical MOPS system covers many departments and people throughout the mill, and input from these users is imperative for a successful project implementation.
System integration is not only a software-to-software challenge but more importantly, it’s a human-to-software opportunity when done well. We have the experience, engineering expertise and methodology required to implement a millwide system in the shortest possible time. Our knowhow and experience in pulp and paper contributes also to the excellent results achieved by our MOPS customers.
It’s our strength in integrating the key systems – enterprise resource planning (ERP), manufacturing execution systems (MES), and process information management systems (PIMS) – that makes MOPS Systems a standard that our industry aspires to.