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MOPSsys connect's to the Cloud

Jun 7, 2017

MOPS connect to Azure IoT Hub


MOPSsys signed an agreement with SSG to provide a cloud connections to their new service platform SSG Connect. The connect software developed and delivered by MOPSsys will be installed at the SSG-customer sites with the capability to integrate to any Process Information system (not only MOPS) to read selected data from the process. The first service launched in the SSG Connect platform is about tank-levels for chemical suppliers. The cloud connection software is designed to integrate to the Microsoft Azure IoT cloud. The first installation among pilot customers will start April 2017.

SSG is a trusted part for the industry, and presently owned by the six largest forest industry conglomerates in Sweden: BillerudKorsnäs Holmen Metsä Board SCA Stora Enso Södra.