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MOPSsys News

Maximize the use and get more out of the MOPS system!

Feb 27, 2015

Zellstoff Celgar Kraft Pulp mill in Castlegar, BC: “In perspective to maximize the use and get more out of their MOPS system, mill entered in a training and workshop program with MOPS. This program started in September 2014 by gathering a core group of MOPS users from different areas of the mills to identify, with the help of MOPSsys, the key areas of MOPS improvements at the mill. This list of priorities was then turned into defined series of training and workshop sessions with specific focus topics for each session and planned deliverable improvements in MOPS. Initially the mill started with 6 planned sessions for a year from MOPSsys on demand every month or second month according mill schedule. So far the response have been very positive and the commitment and involvement of the users have improved and with the help of the MOPS trainer they were able to learn more about MOPS capabilities and how to use it at their mill. After 4 sessions now the mill MOPS users group have undertaken improvement projects on their own and generated multiple ideas and suggestions of implementation to improve their operations and users experience with MOPS system at the mill”

Tags: Process Information