In today’s business environment, it is not sufficient to provide only technical and software support to our MOPS users. It is key for MOPS users to maximize the use for their existing Millwide information and OPtimization Systems. Eurocon MOPSsys is dedicated to the Pulp and Paper industry, as we develop and offer specific applications for the benefit of Pulp and Paper mills, we have seen atremendous opportunities with our colleagues at Eurocon Engineering to expand our offering and the use of MOPS by combining their impressive know-how in Engineering for Pulp and Paper Process, Energy and control strategy with our Millwide information application expertize.
This combined offering – Process Engineering and specific monitoring and supervision application, offers direct benefits by providing direct results. We are not only offering software but also process engineering know-how by identifying key performance indicators calculation and identifying process areas that will deliver immediate potential savings to the mill.
We are working with the mills through a study to identify areas of improvement and analysis of the process using MOPS remote capabilities. The outcome will be an improvement program as for example reducing energy cost or reducing chemical consumption while maintaining or increasing the quality production throughput at the mill. Dedicated MOPS displays are develop to empower operation in sustaining savings and monitor improvement targets.
This combined offering from Eurocon MOPSsys is now in place for North Western Pulp and Paper mills in North America, and projects have been offered and studies have been started with our customer DMI Peace River Pulp, Alberta.