*** NOW REGISTRATION OPEN (click here) ***
Be ready for Digital revolution and Generation Shift: MOPS 4.0 new technology platform that is adapted to upcoming challenges for IoT (Internet of Things); Cloud; Mobility; Analytics/Big Data and security as well as for Millennials your new work force expectations.
It is the MOPS User Group you should not miss, as we will have NA launch of MOPS 4.0 new technology platform to fulfill 2020 objectives from Industry 4.0/Industrial internet/Smart Manufacturing Leadership Coalition. By joining us at the Hyatt Regency downtown Vancouver, BC Canada
- Key Note speaker from large European Pulp and Paper Group Head of IT applications MOPS User that will share their group outlook, challenges and plans with Industry 4.0 objectives.
- MOPS Development team will share live demo from two pilot projects at MOPS users site start using MOPS 4.0 in parallel of existing MOPS System.
- Existing technology MOPS system latest version 14.0 continue its development path as it benefits and merge with MOPS 4.0 new technologies. Added new features, applications, WinMOPS example to improve MOPS users experience will be shared.
This will greatly benefit your organisation with the seminar on the Monday starting at 10 am to 6 pm followed by MOPS Users meet and greet welcome cocktail and dinner that evening. The following two days (8 am to 5 pm) will have a MOPS advanced User training included a half day workshop with MOPS expert to build our own advanced WinMOPS application or report.Do not hesitate to send your request on new display ideas with specification before the training and those ideas will be compiled and reviewed by MOPS Experts, and also discussed during the workshop, some ideas might end up in a development project or in a new tool to bring back to the mill.
Note that iTech Vancouver 2016 conference is taking place at the convention center all day Thursday October 6 2016, you might take the opportunity as professional to visit, please refer to their web site for info and to register as it is a separate event not organised by MOPSsys.
MOPSsys have blocked a limited number Hotel room at a special group rate, for this event at the Hyatt Regency Downtown, of $229/night excluding taxes for booking before September 8 2016.
Please reserve and make plan for these important dates in your calendar. It is for your MOPS Future, further details for agenda and registration to Seminar and MOPS User training with applicable fee per participants to come. Check your email from MOPSsys or visit our website www.mopssys.com for updates and information.”